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A Fresh Anointing Kenneth E Hagin Pdf

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JOHN THE BAPTIST TV Kundalini Warningby Andrew Strom. I am really hoping to make this the last of this type of article for awhile. Some people think I love putting out this stuff. But I honestly wish it would all go away, so we could get on with the real work of building the kingdom. However, Bill Johnson is doing such damage to the Body of Christaround the world that I simply cannot stay silent. In New Zealandwhere I am currently he holds a huge Conference once a yearcalled Manifest Presence. This is amost certainly the biggestand most influential Christian conference in the whole country. And likewise in other nations, such as UK, Australia, Singapore,and many others. His influence is enormous. Bill Johnson is a very charming man. I/61Rth%2BXyO1L.jpg' alt='A Fresh Anointing Kenneth E Hagin Pdf' title='A Fresh Anointing Kenneth E Hagin Pdf' />Opposition to Catholicism, New Age, Judaism, paganism, atheism, Buddhism, the unsaved, and versions of the Bible other than the King James. BOOKS BY KENNETH E. HAGIN Redeemed From Poverty, Sickness and Spiritual Death hat Faith Is even Vital Steps To Receiving the Holy Spirit ight and Wrong Thinking. He also emphasizes anumber of things that I heartily agree with such as streetevangelism using the gifts of the Spirit, prophecy and healingon the streets, etc. But the problem is that he endorses andpromotes an anointing exactly identical to the one that Todd. Bentley promotes. The drunken glory, fire tunnel, laughing,jerking, gold dust, Angel mania type anointing that has donesuch damage to the Charismatic movement around the world and in many cases reduced it to a shocking travesty of what itonce was. What would Derek Prince or Keith Green think of thethings these men are into spiritual drunkenness, portals,visualization, spirit travel, fire tunnels, angel orbs and the likeFound all the way through the New Age movement, but not inthe Bible. The Lords Prayer, Our Prayer by Sandy Simpson This DVD is a message based on this article. Matt. 6913 This, then, is how you should pray Our Father in heaven. WARNING BILL JOHNSON and BETHEL CHURCH. Andrew Strom. I am really hoping to make this the last of this type of article for awhile. Some people think I love. Bill Johnson was one of the biggest supporters of the Lakelandrevival led by Todd Bentley. And even after the fiasco that itbecame, he publicly endorsed Todd Bentleys ministry again in. But Bill does it all with such down to earth charm andwise sounding words how could this be deception That iswhat makes him so dangerous. His wife Beni is co pastor with Bill of Bethel church in Redding,California. And interestingly she is even more open about thebizarre things that they are into. She even puts it in writing onthe Internet, for all the world to see. For example, in her Life and Wellness blog on July 6 this year,here is what she wrote in an entry called Love Shack Time I was talking with Ray Hughes the other day and was telling himabout using a 5. HZ tuning fork as a prophetic act. Someonetold me that this tuning fork is called the tuning fork of LOVEPlease note that crystals and tuning forks are used in NEW AGEtherapy and have nothing to do with Christianity in any way. Beni continued Recently I got up to speak at a meeting andwalked up to the song Love Shack by the B5. I was callingpeople to more love. It was so fun. I guess we are now beginning to get a sense of the strangespiritual world that these people inhabit. Another blog post that. Beni wrote about WAKING UP ANGELS in March 2. In the last couple of months, I personally have become moreaware of the angelic activity in this realm. One of those timeswas when we were on a prayer trip to Arizona One morning aswe were driving up over Tehachapi Pass and coming down intothe Mojave Desert, I began to feel angels. The closer we got,the stronger the impression felt. I could see them everywhere I announced this to the group and said, We have got to stop We have to stop somewhere As we drove around a corner Isaid, I think that we are going to wake up some angels here We knew we were to turn around, get out of the RV and wakeup the angels. I wish I could convey to you the energy and thequickness of how God was working. We jumped out of the RV,I blew the shofar and rang the bell, and we yelled WAKEYWAKEY. We got back into the RV and drove off. As we droveoff, hilarious laughter broke out We were stunned at the speedat which this all took place and were spinning from the adventureand the angelic activity. What in the world had just happened Heaven collided with earth. Woo hoo Since that time, there has been a stirring in me to awaken theangels for use in this Kingdom reign that is upon us here on earth. I have shared these two stories in other places and have done aprophetic act of waking up the angels having everybody cry out,WAKEY WAKEY I know it is strange but it is very effectiveOne of our gals who enjoys Gods angels gets pretty wackedwhen they are around The reference that Beni makes here to Heaven colliding withearth is of course directly tied to Bill Johnsons most famousteaching on When Heaven Invades Earth. Clearly, this is thekind of thing they mean when they use that phrase. So if weget with their program so to speak, we too can go aroundwaking up angels and getting pretty wacked when theseangels are around. I guess the obvious question is whether they are serious aboutall this. Sadly, the answer is Yes. When you get so completelydeceived that you think drunken glory and tuning forks andgetting wacked are normal Christian behaviour, you are opento anything. Tragically, if we look at all that these people havesaid and done now for years and years, we have to conclude thatone of Christendoms biggest leaders Bill Johnson inhabits themost bizarre quasi spiritual universe that you can imagine. Andhe is spreading this deceived foolishness in the Body of Christon a mass scale. It might seem almost funny if it wasnt soNew Age serious. One young lady named Johanna who had been a student for manymonths at Bill Johnsons Bethel school wrote to me the following In August 2. I moved to Redding, California to attend Bethel. School of Supernatural Ministry BSSM. How To Install Android On Nokia 5530 Xpressmusic here. I graduated in May. Almost right away I began to question the bizarre behaviorthat is so normal there. At Bethel, there are many sayings that are tossed around dailyGod only has nice things to say, Theres no high like the Most. High. There would be all kinds of distracting behavior randomshouting, laughing, etc. When any guest speaker came to school, studentswould flock to the front to get as close to the speaker as possible. We were taught that any anointing we wanted could be receivedby simply claiming it for ourselves. Students would rush thestage and the front of the sanctuary so the speakers could layhands on them. Among the guest speakers were Bob Jones, Heidi Baker,Georgian and Winnie Banov, Randy Clark, John and Carol ArnottWe also had regular sessions with Bill Johnson, Beni Johnsonand other Bethel pastors. The drunken behavior and questionableteachings from some, if not all, of these speakers was shockingat times. I can safely say that I never heard the word repentanceonce in any teaching. I remember when the Banovs came, the whole place was completechaos. When they touched someone, that person would jerkviolently or stumble around as if they were drunk. The Banovsminister to people in trash dumps around the world What Iremember them talking about was love, joy, bliss, and the new wine. Angels were often talked about. I remember Beni Johnson actuallytook an RV across Arizona and New Mexico to wake up angelsthat were supposedly sleeping. Another one of the commonphrases, Wakey wakey. I would always hear people talkingabout their encounters with angels and how they visited heaven. One young woman I knew said she could see angels everywhere,she talked to them all the time, and she would help her friends todo the same God becomes like Santa Claus.