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Anaesthesia Residency Program

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They provide access to specialist veterinary services in surgery, medicine, anaesthesia, medical imaging, emergency and critical care, neurology, clinical pathology. Residency Training Programs Education Training. ECVECC ACVECC ECC residency training program in Bern. The Small Animal Hospital, Department of Clinical Studies of the Vetsuisse Faculty in Bern is an official training center for the ACVECC residency program. Residency positions are not offered every year. This modern hospital is staffed with specialists in Critical Care, Anesthesia, Surgery, Medicine, Diagnostic Imaging and much more. It is part of a fine veterinary campus with approx 5. Residency Programs are offered in most specialties as well as a rotating internship program. Meet the Speakers 6th Asian Congress of MISST combined with 3rd ASEAN MISST in collaboration with NASS and Cadaveric Workshop ACMISST 2017. The Adelaide Festival Launches its 2018 Program 24 October 2017. The 2018 Adelaide Festival program has launched today at the Adelaide Town Hall. It is a festival. Clinical Guidelines, Diagnosis and Treatment Manuals, Handbooks, Clinical Textbooks, Treatment Protocols, etc. The nonfluff news, reviews, tools to use from the perspective of Travel Nurses and Allied Healthcare Travelers worldwide. The hospital serves the local community as referral center, as a primary emergency unit and runs one of the largest small animal critical care units in Switzerland. Further information on the Department of Clinical Studies of the Vetsuisse Faculty Bern can be found here and further information on the specific residency program can be found here. Successful completion of the program will allow the candidate to sit the ACVECC certifying exam. Currently no critical care residency positions are open, new positions will be advertized early the following link. For further information send an email. David Spreng, Prof. Dr. med. vet. DECVS, DACVECC. Division of Small Animal Surgery, Department of Clinical Veterinary Medicine, University of Bern. ECC residency training program in London. Senior Clinical Training Scholarship in Emergency and Critical Care Small AnimalThe Royal Veterinary College, University of London. This is a 3 year training programme that satisfies the requirements for certification by the American College of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care and prepares the candidate for the certifying ACVECC examination held in September following completion of the programme. The training programme also meets criteria for the newly formed European College of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care ECVECC. This is currently the only programme to offer training in either Colleges in ECC. The programme is an intense, challenging, clinical programme supported by 6 board certified ACVECCECVECC Diplomates, as well as a full complement of other specialists in Internal Medicine, Surgery, Neurology, Anaesthesia, Diagnostic Imaging, Oncology, and Clinical Nutrition. It is the largest and most successful ECC training programme in Europe and one of the largest in the world. The programme has an incredibly strong track record of successfully mentoring scholars in achieving ACVECC Diplomate status. The Emergency and Critical Care team is also very productive with a strong record in securing research grants and publishing. The training programme has a strong emphasis on clinical duties, but student teaching and clinical research are also integral parts of the programme which operates within the QMHA. You will participate in a number of roles including seeing emergency referrals, managing hospitalised critically ill patients, as well as undertaking night and weekend duties. Anaesthesia Residency Program' title='Anaesthesia Residency Program' />The QMHA boasts new state of the art facilities for the Section of Emergency and Critical Care. The Section includes the Emergency Referral Service, The Critical Care Service and the Out of hours First Opinion Service. Together, the Section sees over 5,0. The Section is staffed by 6 Emergency and Critical Care Specialists, 5 Senior Clinical Training Scholars residents, 1. The Intensive Care Unit can accommodate 2. We also have an active Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy Programme. The Section also runs a very active blood donor programme and operates the largest small animal blood bank in the UK. The RVC is also the only veterinary hospital in Europe to be designated a Veterinary Trauma Centre by ACVECC. Application procedures, position availability, requirements which must be met before application, and programme details can be found at the website. For further information send an email to Daniel Chan, Residency Programme Director, The Royal Veterinary College, University of London. Other ECC residency training programs. The American College of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care publishes at their websitean extensive list of approved training programs in Northern America. ANZICSACCCN Intensive Care ASM 2. Queensland. The preliminary program is now available. Download Program. Workshop Program. Five workshops will take place at the Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre on Wednesday 1. October 2. 01. 7. Workshop 1 Echo TTE Simulation Workshop Anatomy and Pathology. Equipment sponsored by This workshop will demonstrate the normal anatomy of the heart on the high fidelity VIMIDEX simulator. Participants will practice normal views in the first session, and are expected to diagnose a cardiac pathology cases in the second session. There will be 4 5 simulators for total 2. Facilitators. Dr. Rajeev Hegde. Senior Staff Specialist, Royal Brisbane and Womens Hospital, Queensland. Dr. Rajeev Hegde has been a Senior Staff Specialist, Royal Brisbane and Womens Hospital since 2. He has had significant training and experience in echocardiography since 2. TTE in critically ill. He received his qualification, a Postgraduate Diploma in Perioperative and Critical Care Echocardiography, from the University of Melbourne in December, 2. He has performed and reported over 7. ICU TTEs in critically ill patients and has been involved in teaching echo in ICU at the Royal Brisbane and Womens Hospital. Dr. Jonathan Field. Senior Intensivist, Gold Coast University Hospital, Queensland. Jon is a senior intensivist at the GCUH. He has been practicing echo as part of his practice for many years. Particular areas of interest include predicting fluid responsiveness. Dr. George Pang. Senior Staff Specialist Anaesthetist and Intensivist. Senior Lecturer, School of Medicine, University of Queensland. Department of Anaesthesia and Perioperative Medicine. Department of Critical Care Medicine. Royal Brisbane and Womens Hospital, Queensland. Dr George Pang is a senior intensivist and anaesthetist at the Royal Brisbane and Womens Hospital. He has been awarded a Postgraduate Diploma in Critical Care Echocardiography, and performs perioperative transoesphageal and critical care echocardiography. He instructs echocardiography in the Focused Ultrasound Simulation Education FUSE course run at the Centre for Excellence in Anaesthesia, Royal Brisbane and Womens Hospital and  in the Mater Critical Care Echocardiography run at the Mater Education Practice Improvement Centre and Simulation Centre. Dr. Nathan Peters. Staff Specialist Anaesthetist. Senior lecturer, School of Medicine, University of Queensland. Focused Cardiac Ultrasound Training Co ordinator. Department of Anaesthesia and Perioperative. Medicine. Royal Brisbane and Womens Hospital. Nathan undertook a provisional fellowship in vascular anaesthesia at the RBWH in 2. He is now a fellow of ANZCA and has also been awarded a postgraduate diploma in clinical ultrasound from the University of Melbourne. Most recently he has been instrumental in introducing a simulation based Focused Cardiac Ultrasound training program into the RBWH. His ongoing interests focus on improving education in perioperative echocardiography and undertaking research on this topic. Dr. Sean Newell. Senior Staff Specialist Intensivist and Anaesthetist. Gold Coast University Hospital, Queensland. Sean Newell is a Senior Staff Specialist Intensivist and Anaesthetist at the Gold Coast University Hospital, having practiced in trans thoracic and trans oesophageal echocardiography for many years. Sean has Masters level qualifications in echocardiography, and is the critical care echocardiography lead for a busy tertiary intensive care. Workshop 2 Allied Health A Patients Journey through Septic Shock, the Contribution of the Allied Health Team. Sponsored by. This interactive workshop will be a case study of a patient with septic shock and prolonged ICU admission. Physiotherapists, a pharmacist, nutritionist, speech pathologist and social worker will talk participants through the various problems at each stage, the evidence available and how they would manage this. Facilitators. Sonia Baker. Specialist Speech Pathologist,Royal Brisbane and Womens Hospital, Queensland. Sonia Baker has worked at the Royal Brisbane and Womens Hospital RBWH since 1. Specialist Speech Pathologist in intensive care, tracheostomy management, and acute adult dysphagia, and is the speech pathologist on the RBWH Tracheostomy Management Team. Chicago Manual Of Style Chapter 17. She has been the Lead Speech Pathologist in the RBWH Intensive Care Unit for many years and has managed complex patients as part of the ICU Team, and has been able to progress the profile of Speech Pathology within the ICU. In 2. 01. 3, she led a National Speech Pathology Australia SPA working party to revise the National Speech Pathology Tracheostomy Clinical Guidelines. She is the co developer and Faculty Lead of the National Tracheostomy and Speech Pathology TASP Simulation Course held at the RBWH Clinical Skills Development Service. Sonia is the co author of the Speech Pathology Management of the Adult Tracheostomised Patient Clinical Guidelines for Queensland Health Speech Pathologists and developed the National Tracheostomy Workshop for Speech Pathologists held annually at the RBWH. She developed and leads the Competency Program for Speech Pathology Management of Tracheostomy Patients at the RBWH. Sonia provides high level consultation to speech pathologists across Queensland and Australia and has presented at numerous conferences and tracheostomy specialty daysworkshops throughout Queensland and interstate. Dr. Os Cotta. Deputy Chair, Executive Committee, Critical Care Community of Specialty Practice COSPSociety of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia SHPAHaving completed his Ph. D in March 2. 01. Dr Cotta has recently commenced a post doctorate funded through a competitive fellowship granted to him by the University of Queensland 2. His work will seek to optimise dosing of commonly used lactam antibiotics in critically ill patients to maximise therapeutic efficacy and improve patient outcomes. As part of this fellowship, Dr Cotta will seek to gain necessary skills and expertise in developing study protocols for clinical PK investigations as well as conducting population PKPD modelling and analysis. Dr Cotta is currently Deputy Chair of the Executive Committee of the Critical Care Community of Specialty Practice COSP for the Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia SHPA and currently supervises 3 Ph. D students and 3 MPhil students. Martha Druery. Martha Druery is currently enrolled in a Research Higher Degree at UQ, having previously worked as a Social Work Specialist in Intensive Care and Burns across adult and paediatric settings since 1. She remains actively involved in the burns field with first author publications, private practice adjustment to injury counselling services and volunteer work nationally with the Julian Burton Burns Trust and locally with Burnslife, in Queensland. Her Ph. D is investigating the quantitative relationship between burns outcomes and domains such as injury, treatment, personal and social factors. Claire Dux. Accrediting Practising Dietitian. Intensive Care Unit, Royal Brisbane and Womens Hospital, Queensland. Claire Dux is an Accrediting Practising Dietitian working in Intensive Care at the Royal Brisbane and Womens Hospital. Claire graduated from Queensland University of Technology with a Bachelor of Health Science Nutrition and Dietetics Honours. Claire has worked in the primary care setting, rural and metropolitan hospitals and has found her passion in critical care and surgical dietetics.