Micro Cap Demo
News Spectrum Software has released MicroCap 11, the eleventh generation of our SPICE circuit simulator. For users of previous MicroCap versions, check out the new. Last Updated March 18th, 2017 Its crazy. Back when I started with the Panasonic GF1 in 2009, Micro Four Thirds had less than 10 native lenses. And now 43 has. My PIC Projects. Some of the various PICs from Microchip, 1. F8. 4, 1. 6F6. 27, 1. F6. 28, 1. 6F8. 76 and a 1. F8. 77. So far, I have only played around with the PIC1. F8. 4 PIC chip, with exception to using a PIC1. F8. 76 with the Ham. Johnson 9.9 Service Manual more. HUD. I have found the most documentation is on the 1. F8. 4. I have also found the most homebrew programmers for this PIC. I am starting to use 1. Micro Cap Demo' title='Micro Cap Demo' />F8. PICS now for larger projects. I mainly have to write for these in another compiler other than Hi Techs because I do not have a full registered version 8. Below, I have posted a pinout diagram I created in MS Paint. I usually get most of my PICs and ocillators from Digi Key. Click here to go right to my projects. Click here for my PIC1. F8. 4 tutorial. LCDs. Its fun to make the PIC do simple things like making LEDs blinks and related projects, but I like to do more exciting things, like using an LCD. If programmed right, the 1. F8. 4 can be a very usefull in many different applications. Below is another pinout I created to show the 1. LCD. It uses an industry standard chipset Hitachi HD4. Any LCD using this chipset can be used. A great source of cheap, high quality LCDs is Crystalfontz. Here is the basic wiring for an LCD to a PIC1. F8. 4. This is the most basic wiring diagram. This is a 4 bit interface. It uses PORT B pins 0 3 for the data input. Most engineers like to add a cap at pin 5 of the PIC and take the PIC side of the cap to ground. Also adding a 4. 7. K limiting resistor to pin 4 of the PIC can help from voltage jolts, I personally have not experienced this. This circuit has much design flexability and a lot can be added if wanted. Mosty protection components. Programmers. Here is the programmer I use to program my PICs. Tv &Amp; Satellite Week Pdf more. Its called the P1. PRO4. 0. This was a cheap programmer kit that only cost me 2. The programmer itself was about 1. I opted for the extra ZIF socket Zero Insertion Force Socket which cost about another 6 or so, plus shipping brought it up to about 2. It can be found at Amazon Electronics. Its under the Soldering Required Kits Microcontrollers and Programmers. This programmer will program almost every PIC out there. I have started to use a C compiler for PIC programming provided by www. Its a demo or student version that is not limited to function as far as programming commands but it will only allow for code to be written for the 1. F8. 4 and 1. 6C8. PICs. So far I have not had much luck since this type of C programming is completely new to me. It is NOT C, not even close if you ask me. HTLPIC sets up differently from other PIC C compilers. It requires more lines of set up code at the top of the program file. Such as, CONFIGx, this command tells the compiler what configuration to load for the particular processor. In this case we are talking about the 1. F8. 4, so CONFIG0xnnnn is the configuration command required. This command is unique to the particular processor. The CONFIG word determines what initial features are activated on the PIC, such as, Watchdog Timer, Code Protection, What type of occillator. The the configuration word is represented in HEXThe syntax is very basic CONFIG0xnnnn nnnn being the HEX value. Some examples CONFIG0x. FF1 Mode 1 Columns 1 4 flash and then 5 8 flash and it repeats 1. Mode 2 A typical chasing mode, the columns light up one after another back and fourth 1.