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Oracle 11G R2 For Windows 64-Bit

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Oracle Database Software Downloads Oracle Technology Network. Standard Edition, Standard Edition One, and Enterprise Edition. Patch Set 1. 1. 2. Linux and Solaris is now available on support. Oracle 11G R2 For Windows 64-Bit' title='Oracle 11G R2 For Windows 64-Bit' />Note it is a full installation you do not need to download 1. See the README for more info login to My Oracle Support required. R2 RMAN TRANSPORT DATABASE FROM LINUX TO WINDOWSIn this post, I will demonstrate transporting a database on Linux 3. Windows 3. 2 bit. Overview TDB requires that data files be converted to the target platform format. The data fileconversion can occur on either the source system or the target system. M6VszDJhM/VSZ3issHPWI/AAAAAAAACAY/zdoG1R7_SlE/s1600/deinstall1.PNG' alt='Oracle 11G R2 For Windows 64-Bit' title='Oracle 11G R2 For Windows 64-Bit' />When performing asource system conversion, TDB creates a second copy of all data files on the source systemin the format of the target system. The converted data files must then be transferred to theproper location on the target system. Toeic Bridge Exam. Using TDB to migrate a database to a new platform of the same endian format consists of thefollowing high level steps 1. Check prerequisites 2. Prepare for the platform migration 3. Start the database in READ ONLY mode 4. Here you can find all my Oracle VIDEO Tutorials. Video Tutorial Oracle Flashback Technologies. Video Tutorial Installing ASM on Linux and Windows. Verify the database is ready for migration 5. Run the RMAN CONVERT DATABASE command 6. Move necessary files to the target system 7. Complete the migration. Implementation Check Prerequisites check the platform name of current database SQL SELECT PLATFORMNAME          FROM  VDATABASE PLATFORMNAMELinux IA 3. Check the endian format of current platform Note that ENDIAN format is little. SQL SELECT PLATFORMID, PLATFORMNAME, ENDIANFORMAT          FROM   VTRANSPORTABLEPLATFORM          WHERE UPPERPLATFORMNAME LIKE LINUX IA PLATFORMID PLATFORMNAME                  ENDIANFORMAT          1. Linux IA 3. 2 bit              Little         1. Linux IA 6. 4 bit              Little Check that endian format of the target platform i. Windows IA3. 2 bit is also little Hence database can be transported. SQL SELECT PLATFORMID, PLATFORMNAME, ENDIANFORMAT          FROM   VTRANSPORTABLEPLATFORM           WHERE UPPERPLATFORMNAME LIKE MICROSOFT WINDOWS PLATFORMID PLATFORMNAME                  ENDIANFORMAT           7 Microsoft Windows IA 3. Little          8 Microsoft Windows IA 6. Little         1. Microsoft Windows x. Little. If the target platform does not appear in the output from VTRANSPORTABLEPLATFORM, thenthe database cannot be migrated using TDB. Start the database in READ ONLY mode SQL shutdown immediate     startup mount     alter database open read only Verify the database is ready for migration SQL    SET  SERVEROUTPUT ON    DECLARE      dbready BOOLEAN    BEGIN      dbready          DBMSTDB. CHECKDBMicrosoft Windows IA 3. DBMSTDB. SKIPREADONLY      if dbready           then             dbmsoutput. YES your database can be transported to Windows platform      else          dbmsoutput. NO your database can not be transported to WIndows Platform      end if     end Make a folder to hold converted datafilesmkdir homeoracleconvertdb Run the RMAN CONVERT DATABASE Command The CONVERT DATABASE command specified in the example creates  a transport script named homeoracleconvertdbtransport. PFILE initnewdb. ora in file homeoracleconvertdb  a copy of all data files in the homeoracleconvertdb  directory in the format of the target platform Microsoft Windows IA 3. RMAN CONVERT DATABASE              NEW DATABASE newdb              TRANSPORT SCRIPT homeoracleconvertdbtransport. TO PLATFORM Microsoft Windows IA 3. FORMAT homeoracleconvertdbnewdb               DBFILENAMECONVERT u. Starting conversion at source at 1. NOV 1. 2. channel ORADISK1 starting datafile conversioninput datafile file number0. ORADISK1 datafile conversion complete, elapsed time 0. Edit init. ora file homeoracleconvertdbinitnewdb. This PFILE will be used to createthe database on the target platform. Run SQL script homeoracleconvertdbtransport. To recompile all PLSQL modules, run utlirp. To change the internal database identifier, use DBNEWID Utility. Finished conversion at source at 1. NOV 1. 2 Review and Edit the PFILEvi  homeoracleconvertdbinitnewdb. Please change the values of the following parameters  controlfiles            c appadministratororadatanewdbcontrol. Review and edit the transport script transport. Modify the following STARTUP NOMOUNT PFILEC APPADMINISTRATORPRODUCT1. DBHOME1DBSinitnewdb. LOGFILE  GROUP 1 C APPADMINISTRATORORADATANEWDBREDO0. LOG SIZE 5. 0M BLOCKSIZE 5. GROUP 2 C APPADMINISTRATORORADATANEWDBREDO0. LOG SIZE 5. 0M BLOCKSIZE 5. GROUP 3 C APPADMINISTRATORORADATANEWDBREDO0. LOG SIZE 5. 0M BLOCKSIZE 5. DATAFILE  C APPADMINISTRATORORADATANEWDBsystem. C APPADMINISTRATORORADATANEWDBsysaux. C APPADMINISTRATORORADATANEWDBundotbs. C APPADMINISTRATORORADATANEWDBusers. C APPADMINISTRATORORADATANEWDBexample. ALTER TABLESPACE TEMPADD TEMPFILE C APPADMINISTRATORORADATANEWDBTEMP0. DBF  SIZE 2. 09. AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 6. MAXSIZE 3. 27. 67. M STARTUP UPGRADE PFILEC APPADMINISTRATORPRODUCT1. DBHOME1DBSinitnewdb. SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATESTARTUP PFILEC APPADMINISTRATORPRODUCT1. DBHOME1DBSinitnewdb. Make folders on target windows hostc mkdir c appadministratororadatanewdb      mkdir c appadministratoradminnewdbadump Copy all the files in homeoracleconvertdb folder to c appadministratororadatanewdb   i. Pfile        transport script Move PFILE to ORACLEHOMEdatabase  i. C copy c appadministratororadatanewdbinitnewdb. Run the transport scriptc set oraclesidnewdb      sqlplus  as sysdba. SQL c appadministratororadatanewdbtransport. SQL select from hr. Related links                                                                                             .