Virtuemart Shopping Cart Templates
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Magento 2 Mega menu,Magento 2 Megamenu, Magento 2. Megamenu Drag Drop. Custom Ajax cart from https www. Quick view. Profiles. Portfolio. Promo banners. Testimonialsand more. OWL sliderOWL Slideshow. Multiple Google fonts available add custom font types. Social Share with Share This. Google rich snippets. Multiple type and new design for homepage layouts about us, services, login, register,checkout pages. Full Responsive Retina Ready. Too easy to Install Sample Data. Allow to configure Product Grid 2 to 8 Columns. Showhidden options in product page Facebook like box. Lastest twitter. Popup newsletter. Sticky menu. Vertical megamenu. Back to top button. Price slider filter. Support SEOAjax load product loading. Different product ratio. Custom product tab. Up sell slider. Multiple effects loading element. Cross browser and all platform. Compatible all devices. Validate W3. CThemes features. Fastest Magento 2 Magento 1 theme is designed with intelligence and good UX design for all mobile devices. Furthermore,Fastest Magento 2 Magento 1 themes provides you abilities to choose a fully responsive website or a mobile optimization theme for mobile devices. Fastest Responsive Web Design makes your web page look good on all devices desktops, tablets, and phones. Fastest Responsive Web Design is about using CSS. Changelog and Update news. Update Version 1. Magento 1. 9. 3. 2 March 7, 2. Magento 1. 9. x. I. Release Megamenu for Magento 1, please notice,The megamenu is only working well with Fastest themes style if you want custom Megamenu style for your site, we will charge for custom fee, please contact us via codazongroupgmail. II. Release We. Style themes for Magento 1. Update Version 1. Magento 1. 9. 3. 2 Feb 1. Magento 1. 9. x. I. Upgrade to compatible with Magento 1. II. Release We. Style themes for Magento 1. Update Version 1. Magento 2. 1. 4 Feb 1. Magento 2. 1. 4. I. Upgrade to compatible with Magento 2. Update Version 1. Magento 2. 1. 2 October 1. Magento 2. 1. 2. I. Upgrade to compatible with Magento 2. Update Version 1. Magento 2. 1. 0 September 1. Magento 2. 1. 1. I. Upgrade to compatible with Magento 2. II. Release We. Style themes Fashion Boutique, Jewelry store, Footwear, Shoes. III. fix Magento 2. CodazonMega. MenuBlockWidgetCategories. Tree. php. fix not translate on bottom cart. CodazonAjax. Cart. Proviewfrontendtemplatescartajaxsidebar. Update Version 1. Magento 1. 9. x September 1. Magento 2. 1. 1. Big. Market themes vertical menu not show dropdown in sub pages. Filter widget cannot apply currency. Fix bug Auto scroll to botton in Checkout pages. Update Version 1. Magento 2. 1. 0 Magento 1. August 2. 6, 2. 01. Magento 2. 1. 0. I. Fix wrong Import themes data file. CodazonTheme. Optionsfixturesfastestbigmarketblocks. CodazonTheme. Optionsfixturesfastestbigmarketmegamenus. CodazonTheme. Optionsfixturesfastestbigmarketslideshows. 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