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The Solar Eclipse Probably Wont Get You Laid Or Murdered But It Might ThoughIn case its not abundantly clear by now, on Monday, the Great American Eclipse will sweep across the United States. While a total solar eclipse may appear otherworldly and ethereal, there is a ton of science to suggest it is totally normal. Olympus Master 2 Mac' title='Olympus Master 2 Mac' />But as evidenced by posts on Craiglist and other dark corners of the internet, mounds of scientific evidence wont stop people from believing some pretty bizarre eclipse mythsmostly, ones that involve sex andor death. For some reason the Moon and the Sun appear to have powerful hold on peoples imagination, and for instance there are a variety of beliefs associated with the Moon that have long been debunked and yet persist, Jean Luc Margot,a professor in the department of of Earth, planetary, and space sciences at UCLA, told Gizmodo. I think in part its related to some cognitive biases that we all have so our brain is wired in certain ways to make quick assessments and quick judgements, which is extremely helpful in most situations, but in some situations, it gets us in trouble. Here are just a few of the unusual occurrences people are expecting the eclipse to bring The End of Days. Cmon, guys. This might have been okay to believe in Medieval times when people thought the Earth was flat but its kind of hard to justify why anyone with access to the internet would still believe this. Despite humanitys persistent death wish, the eclipse isnt going to kill us allwe are doing just fine handling that ourselves. After all, weve made it through many, many, many, many eclipses before and were still here. The tendency to predict apocalypse is deeply engrained in the human psyche. Amiga Emulation Disks Skype. For reasons I do not understand, thereve been hundreds of end of the world predictions and were all very happy that none of these materialized, Margot said. So I dont lose any sleep over these kinds of predictions, which, for whatever reason, seem to persist. But theres nothing to worry about, the eclipse is perfectly safe. Delivering a superbaby Lots of people are trying to get laid during the eclipse, but some are taking it a step further and trying to impregnate a woman in hopes of creating a new generation of X Men children. USB Drawing Tablet Cordless ADDA AK1751HBAT 172MM Fan CCTV Surveillance Camera BNC Cable 25 Feet Cooler Master E2UN73EC03GP 2U Socket 478 Cooler. Shop for and buy the best Computer Keyboards, Mice Wireless Input Devices at TigerDirect. System Requirements. Windows 10, Windows 8. Blue, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP SP2 or later Intel Core2 Duo 2. GHz processor or equivalent AMD. USB, short for Universal Serial Bus, is an industry standard that defines cables, connectors and communications protocols for connection, communication, and power. Olympus Master 2 Mac' title='Olympus Master 2 Mac' />At least, thats what one hopeful penis haver on Craigslist hoped to do. When totality occurs, we will have simultaneous orgasms an we will conceive a child that will be on the next level of human evolution, the poster wrote in a since removed listing that we obviously screen shotted and the internet obviously archived. We will make love together, with me and my penis directed towards the Sun. We will make love together, with me and my penis directed towards the sun. While there are studies that have looked into the relationship between the moon and human fertility, theyve all found that theres absolutely no correlation whatsoever, Margot said. Download and play Collectors Editions. Our Collectors Editions offer the full game, bonus gameplay, strategy guides, and moreOlympus Master 2  MacFor instance, a study that tracked over 1. UCLA hospital in the 1. Still, the myth that there is a relationship between the Moon and childbirth hasnt died out in the popular conscience. In short, nothing will stop people like this Craiglist poster from treating the eclipse like their own sexy version of Burning Man. You must like cats, he concludes in the post. Drugs are OK. Chance to get a girlfriend. Again, people will take any excuse to get laid. But there are an unusuallyhighnumber of listings on Craigslist seeking female companions for the eclipse. It doesnt take a scientist to know that traveling to a strangers B B room across the country sounds like the beginning of a Dateline episode. ZmlsZ3c4XMvbWcvc2l0ZXMvbWcvZmlsZXMvc2NyZWVuc2hvdHMvQ2FtZWRpYU1hc3RlcjQyLmdpZg%3D%3D' alt='Olympus Master 2 Mac' title='Olympus Master 2 Mac' />At least finding true love during a once in a lifetime astronomical experience sounds a tad more plausible than conceiving an X men baby. A sign of war. Throughout history, eclipses have been interpreted as omens. While science has shown again and again that theres no reason to fear eclipses, that doesnt stop some outletsincluding the aptly named End Times Headlinesfrom fear mongering. Despite what doomsday media might have you believe, the Sun wont be responsible for people going to warpeople will. If anything, there are documented instances of eclipses helping to stop wars. But as usual, everything is bananas and nothing makes sense. Enjoy the goddamn eclipse, everyone. HT Eric Holthaus for that Craigslist ad. Crack Fruity Loops 4.1.